Power-PRO XT Stryker® Stretcher

Our Dedication To Comfort and Safety 

At CienOne we are dedicated to our patients and staff’s comfort and safety, which is why we only work with the best equipment. Using Stryker® Power-PRO™ XT Cot® provides comfort for our patients and safety for our staff. With a battery-powered hydraulic system, this cot can effectively and seamlessly be raised and lowered at the touch of a button. 

The powerful ambulance cot can hold up to 700 lbs and is adjustable to comfortably accommodate a variety of sizes. 
Stryker Stretcher

For Our Patients

Our patient’s comfort and safety are our top priority. Here are some reasons why we use the Power-PRO™ XT for our ambulance transportation services. 

Tried. Tested. Trusted.

reduction in cot related injuries, one service saved $545,500 in 4.5 years.
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of those surveyed agree the Stryker Power-PRO XT has made their job easier.
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decrease compression forces by approximately 50% and shear forces by approximately 46% as compared with a manual cot
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